The new frontier for businesses is the internet. You can’t be successful without it. The internet is how people will discover your business and communicate with it. While the internet opens your business up to the world, it also is doing the same for your competitors. The internet is literally flooded with businesses going after your same audience. To beat the odds, you need to establish a firm presence online. Here’s where you should start.

Social Media Accounts

Almost every social media platform offers free business accounts. Sure, you can pay for extra perks, but you may not need those. You just need to be on the platform and interacting with millions of daily users. According to Mediakix, it’s estimated that the average person spends 5 years of their life on social media. If that’s where your customers are spending so much of their time, you want to be there interacting with them. The more that customers see your name, the more that they will trust your business. Familiarity breeds trust. You can use the power of social media to gather a lot of data on your customers likes and dislikes. You can even harness the power of viral competitions to gain free advertising.

A Google Business Profile

Google is by far the most popular search engine out there. In fact, “to Google” is now accepted as a verb in most dictionaries. When customers are looking for a business, they usually rely on Google to find it. They will then check out other customer experiences by reading the Google reviews. According to Podium, reviews are incredibly important, as they account for 40 percent of search engine ranking factors. If you want to harness the power of Google, then it’s crucial that you set up your Google Business profile. This will allow your customers to leave you their feedback on what they like and don’t like about your business.

A Quality Website

As DIY Marketers says, perhaps the most important component of your online presence is your website. Everything that your business does online will generally be a prompt for people to visit your website in order to interact directly with your business. As such, you need to make sure that visitors to your site are impressed with the quality of your website. It needs to be easy to navigate. The text should be easy to read and concise. You’ll want to have plenty of quality pictures and videos, and perhaps even a blog.

Your online presence isn’t going to be something that you can set up and just leave to its own devices. You need to be constantly monitoring and updating your businesses actions online. You should be regularly posting on your social media, responding to reviews, and updating your website.

If you’re just starting out with your business, we can help you with all the little details to form it. Visit our services and price list page for more information.