The U.S. is more culturally diverse than ever. Small business owners can no longer afford to market exclusively to traditional, local community niches where customers share similar backgrounds. Instead, it is increasingly important to develop cultural competence as a core marketing strategy.

Cultural Sensitivity is an Essential Marketing Tool

With an estimated twenty-five percent of the workforce comprised of non-Caucasians, which has been the leading ethnic population since this country’s inception, business owners need to be aware of the fact that many people do things differently than they do. Understanding key differences can help entrepreneurs to develop appropriate marketing techniques that cater to the interests and needs of a culturally well-rounded market niche. A full range of marketing skills that includes an understanding of people from different backgrounds and cultures helps to bridge differences and form meaningful connections.

Different Cultures Guide Product Development

Whatever type of product or service your business offers, you should tailor it to appeal to people of different races and ethnicities. Personal items, like clothing and food, are not enjoyed universally the same. Subtle or distinctive nuances should be factored into product development to ensure everyone in your market niche feels included in your business outreach. Promoting new products geared toward a diverse market niche may also incite an expanded customer base interest in these products.

Cultural Sensitivity Enhances Community Relations

A small business owner will likely want to establish a solid foundation in the local community. Transacting business on a multicultural level can help to deepen community roots and develop strong partnerships across potential racial or ethnic divisions. Understanding how other cultures do business and the types of products and services they are looking for often forges valuable links between a small business and an expanded customer base. This is particularly relevant as more marketing innovators move online where they have a wider reach than before.

Intercultural Communication

Employees who represent ethnically diverse populations in the community often positively influence the way a small company does business with those groups. Coming from a different background, they can explain customs, communication, and cultural distinctions that small business owners should be aware of. For example, failing to understand a culturally sensitive taboo in an advertising campaign could breach relationships with that ethnic group and generate unfavorable publicity.

It’s time for small businesses across the U.S. to become inclusive in the way their approach to culturally diverse groups of people. Recruiting people of different races and ethnicities as employees, board members, and customers will likely increase company success.

If you’re having problems with your business, or just need to figure out how to take the next step, contact us today for a complimentary one on one consultation and see how we can help you!